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Information About
The National Nursery Examination Board
Childcare & Education Diploma
The NNEB Childcare & Education Diploma is a British government recognised Gold Standard qualification in the UK and around the world.
NNEB's are qualified to work with children from birth up to the age of 8 years.
The NNEB diploma is equivalent to 2 A-Levels
Click on the links for more information.
NNEB Old Collegians Facebook Page
Proud To Be NNEB Facebook group
Nursery World Management Qualifications
NNEB Old Collegians Facebook Group
Norland Nannies - information on the history of Norland and the NNEB
More about Norland
Early Education and Childcare Review by Professor Nutbrown
Nursery World Article with Professor Nutbrown
Educating the Early Years by June O’Sullivan
Nursery World - Nutbrown Review: at-a-glance guide to the main findings
The Maternity Nurse Magazine Published by NNEB Collegian and NNEB Experts